Okay! I’ll be honest. Like, brutally! I had a major issue with Psalm 1. It was confusing, frustrating before I finally concluded that something in there just wasn’t right.
What might that be, you might be asking? That part where it says “And he (referring to the Christians) will be like a tree firmly planted [and fed] by streams of water, which yields its fruit in its season. Psalm 1:3 (emphasis mine).
You see, I was a Christian (still am, by the way) and righteous because of Christ’s sacrifice for me not because of what I do or don’t do. But despite these truths, I wasn’t yielding visible fruits.
So I would go to church, the pastor would quote the above verse and I’ll just tune off somewhere as if to say ‘I’m sorry, I don’t know if that’s true. It’s not happening to me. This is me right here, doing what I know is right (not like I was perfect, might I add?), yet nothing to show for it, and the Bible says ‘we yield fruits’. OK o. It’s the Bible 😂😂😂😂😂🤣
This struggle went on for a long time. For at least two years. I couldn’t even discuss it with anyone because…I was ‘supposed’ to be a Christian if you know what I mean. Lmao. So I kept it to myself. And I honestly can’t even remember asking God about it cos I figured ‘it would look somehow’. Lol. So I tucked it safely in my heart.
Then after some time, fruits started to show and you know how we are in seasons like that? Jumpy, happy, excited. Like who wouldn’t be? 😂
That was when God took me back to Psalms 1. Then He showed me what I never saw ‘And he will be like a tree firmly planted [and fed] by streams of water, Which yields its fruit in its season…’ Psalms 1:3.
SEASON. That’s the word I was missing.
If you know anything about trees then you’d know they don’t yield fruits every day. They yield fruits in seasons. And if you’re like a tree…that means there’s the period for planting and watering and then waiting and waiting for the harvest. Amen?
Does it seem like nothing is happening right now for you?. Please go ahead, read Psalms 1, and find consolation in the fact that God is not a liar. Stop comparing yourself with your friends. You might be age mates, classmates but are you season mates?☺️.
The devil will try to lie to you with the hope that you’ll stop believing God. But you need not listen. Your season will come. You’re like a tree and yielding fruits is in your DNA. So smile and wait