Someone’s waiting…waiting for you and me to mess up and that Person isn’t God.
Pause! What does it mean to “lie in wait” for something?
It means to “conceal oneself, waiting to surprise, or catch someone”.
Recently, I came across an interesting piece of scripture and I would be honest with you “it blew my mind”.
Prior to that time, I belonged to the school of thought that believed (albeit secretly) that God is waiting somewhere in heaven looking left and right waiting to punish us should we make a mistake at some point (how silly? 😂)
But then, God has a way of crushing wrong thoughts and one of the interesting ways He does this is by leading us to the part of the word that counters the lie we believe. Uhm uhm. I believe this with my whole heart.
So back to what I was saying, there’s someone actually waiting for you and I to mess up so that he could use it as an excuse against us…to make us suffer…to accuse us…and most importantly to torment us night and day.
BUT this person isn’t God. The Bible says in Psalm 37:32-33 that “The wicked lie in wait for the righteous, intent on putting them to death; but the LORD will not leave them in the power of the wicked or let them be condemned when brought to trial.”
I don’t know about you but this is such a big deal to me because it’s like God unveiling a person sitting under a mask pretending to be someone else.
You see, the devil has many goals, one of which is to convince us that God is not good. One of which is to convince us that God is difficult to please. One of which is to convince us that no matter how much we try to follow righteousness, God would continue to watch out for the times we make bad decisions so He could punish us wella 😭😭😭.
But that is further from the truth. The Bible says in Proverbs “he who conceals his transgressions will not prosper, but whoever confesses and turns away from his sin will FIND COMPASSION AND MERCY”.
The sad part, however, is that we fall for the devil’s lie 99% of the time more than we believe the truth because most of us don’t take the time to know God and His character personally.
Another thing I find quite interesting is that the devil hardly acts in a vivid recognizable way because he knows we’re not stupid. So rather he likes to hide and pretend like he’s who he’s not. You can call him a silly impersonator 😣.
At this point, I would like to clearly state that this post isn’t for everyone. It is particularly for people who are God chasers but for whatever reason, you made a mistake or made a bad decision and the devil has taken it upon himself to torment you day and night. And he has made you imagine the worst case scenarios and how much pain he plans to inflict on you because of your wrong decision.
If this is you, then close your doors. Enter your closet and talk to God about the issue. Sincerely repent for whatever mistake you made whether it was knowingly or unknowingly. Then believe that God is merciful and will redirect your steps.
Lastly, believe that the devil is a liar and that even though “The wicked lie in wait with the intent on putting you to death….the LORD will not leave you in the power of the wicked .”